June 2020

Joe and I want to share that his mom, Ruth Esther Hammond Beckham, passed away on June 23, 2020. She died of Covid. It took her life in 4 day. 4 Days.
Ruth was a Rhode Islander and her roots are tied to Hammond Hill and the snuff mill at the Gilbert Stuart birthplace in Saunderstown. She was a happy person, with a good sense of humor and an easy smile. I loved hearing her stories about life as a young girl here during the Great Depression. We just celebrated her 90th birthday.
Please take care of yourselves and others - wear masks, social distance, wash your hands, stay home if you can and be kind.
We're still working away but decided to close the studio to the public this summer, for our safety and yours. We feel it’s the most responsible thing we can do right now. Please order online or reach out if you can't find what you're looking for. You can pick up orders outside at the studio now.